TRIAS is an architecture & design studio based in Sydney, Australia. We create buildings that are solid, simple and beautiful. Above all else, we advocate for holistic architecture that is sustainable and timeless.

TRIAS is an architecture & design studio based in Sydney, Australia. We create buildings that are solid, simple and beautiful. Above all else, we advocate for holistic architecture that is sustainable and timeless.

Case Study

Cloaked House


Electrify Your Home

Culture is a strange phenomenon, in that what starts out as a fringe issue can suddenly feel like it’s everywhere. In the last few months, this has been the case with electrification, a...(read more)

Field Notes

On Mexico City: A Return to Rooms

It was several years ago now – on a trip to one of world’s densest cities – that I found myself thinking, for no real reason, about rooms. Sometimes, ideas form less from linear logic a...(read more)

Case Study

Hidden Garden House

Case Study

Draped House

Case Study

Curl Curl House



Five Points of Inflection

In Australia, we now know that the construction industry is responsible for 18.1% of our national carbon footprint, or more than 90 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions every year. Here are five points of inflection, which are shifting what it means to be an architect today. ...(read more)


Why Wood is Good: A Balanced Construction Diet

The well-known food writer Michael Pollan summarises his healthy eating philosophy as this: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” When it comes to making and modifying homes, we would posit the following: “Make homes. Not too large. Mostly with wood.” ...(read more)


Making a Home: Curating an Interior

“Do come in as often as you like, the place is only alive when used.” These words were written by Jim Ede, the patron of Kettle’s Yard, in response to a thank-you note from a visiting student. This single phrase captures the spirit of hospitality that turns a house into a home. ...(read more)


In Pursuit of Perfection: Lessons from Jørn Utzon’s Can Lis

When we start out as architecture students, we are immediately introduced to various twentieth century “masters.” Many of them – invariably white, inevitably male – are famous, either within their home countries or, more broadly, worldwide. These revered figures become like favourite ...(read more)